Sentient Species

Not just the Viol, but also different creatures that are referenced in dialogue throughout the series. If I ever get a graphic artist, I hope to get a concept of each creature here.

Species Gallery

Viol Species


Bred primarily to serve as the Viol Nation's infantry. Echelon are spawned nearly full height. There is a short training period of two planetary orbits of the sun on the planet Prom'pau. After displaying competence, Echelon are pressed to service for a decade toward maturity. Armor color within the ranks displays the level of competence. Teal chest armor signifies a rank of near-maturity within the species, a rank of respect as there has been some form of milestone achieved to obtain said level. Oftentimes it displays the survival of combat or a halfway point in maturity.
A species of humanoid appearance, Echelon carried themselves a half meter above an average human at two meters tall. Their heads were bald and hardened by a partially exposed skull bone, while a helmet covered its head, blended with the bone to give it a look of wearing a skeletal crown. Its face continued the gaunt appearance with a partially exposed nasal cavity. Simultaneously, an elongated mask covered the rest of its face, which protected two squinting eyes and a toothy mouth. Their chest armor blended with the rest of their bodies, an organic shining armor that carried a dark red hue that contrasted against their dirt-beige skin. Two large reptilian scaled arms were in similar armor, with a four-digit glove that did not cover its scaled claws. Their legs reversed at their knee and forward again to a four-digit separated boot to reveal manicured claws outside of their sandal-shod boot.


The line between a mature Echelon and Macheleon is blurred by experience, maturity and age. Some reach their maturity within five Prom'pau revolution (PR). Others receive their "promotion" after surviving a traumatic event and circumstances put them into a position over other Echelon. Regardless of the reason, the Macheleon is provided command over other Echelon. They are given a name with three syllables upon their promotion. If a Macheleon reaches the age of ten PR, it is determined the age of full maturity. Few documented cases of Macheleon reaching the age of 30 PR due to hardships and trials, but it is hypothesized there is no known age of natural death.
Because of the rapid breeding of the Macheleon species, the Viol chose them to head all security forces and command all military forces. A deal which benefitted all due to food shortages when the Viol nations first discovered and aided the Macheleon.


Dragoons, on average, are nearly ten meters long and stand at least five meters tall and just as wide. Purely a predator species, a Dragoon carries its massive body a meter off the ground on six armored legs. Its two joined leg allows high mobility across uneven terrain. On their front, located slightly higher than its legs, an extra pair of appendages extend three meters from its body, allowing it to strike at its prey, by either spearing or grasping it in its claws. Its serpentine head is just as deadly, capable of snatching victims too close without the assistance of its claws. Equipped with rows of sharp teeth that can puncture armor, including vehicles, Dragoons are trained to tear apart anything it believes is a threat or potential food.


A species in the Viol nations that are known for their intelligence. Frynar are recruited into the space corps of the Viol and used as the pilots. Near the height of a human, the Frynar has anywhere from two to six limbs, varying based on the subspecies of the Frynar. Their skin color ranges from light green to violet purple, remaining on the blue hue of the color range. While many of the Viol wear minor cloth cover- ings, Frynar are one of the exceptions and, before the war, had been seen wearing loose garments, many in a poncho-like style. Their language is speculative toward a telepathic ability because of the hive tactics displayed during combat.


Viol Security Forces on occupied worlds. Large bi-ped creatures armed with bladed tree trunks.


A  small light-gray-skinned species that allied itself with the Viol Nations two centuries before contact with the species known as human was made. Their home planet, Gra∽nade, became a central hub of trading with the Nations as a major export became a luxury item for many of the allied species. Despite their small stature, the Unias species adapted themselves into the Viol military as a special forces type of element that saw little action before the Viol-human war began. After the first two years of the war, the Unias began training their forces in earnest and were ready for a full deployment with the invasion of Aerion where over 80 percent of their trained soldiers fought.
They fight with sharp claws, eighty  needle like teeth, a high powered laser pistol and a utility belt for sabotage. Armor color is white that occasionally is accented by blood-stripes in patterns across the plate chest.
Avg. Height: 1 meter

Non-Viol creatures

Archaron Faklon

Winged bird found over the waters of Aerion. Nests are located in the swamps across the Archaron channel east of Selstra. A meter tall with a plumage of a dark green along the wings, and tail feathers that are a foliage light green. A yellow ring circles its head around the eyes, as if it is a mask.

Blood Raptor

Species adopted by the Fourth battalion First brigade Phalanx. A creature barely a half meter this serpent-like creatures uses two wing appendages to burrow into lava tubes of active or dormant volcanoes. An apex predator within its environment, their main prey are the furry Tends which are considered pests by the human residents of Aerion. Markings are obsidian black bodies with dark red wings. Rarely seen anymore as they were hunted to near extinction for their scales that possess medicinal purposes despite hallucinogenic side effects.


A quadruped, herd animal that is native to magma fields on planets with active volcanos. A dwelleer feeds on the hardening magma that is not quite rock, usually found in the fields next to the volcanos. They are dark maroon with hardened skin that is highly resistant to the high temperatures of magma.